Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Julep :: April 2013

 Hello Everyone! Just wanted to catch up on my posts! I've been super busy trying to finish up my Medical Transcription program so my blog had to take a back seat for a little bit. this post will be short but I just wanted to share the awesome colors I received for my April Julep box.

So this month I went for the It Girl option which always features three nail colors. I had been getting the Boho option originally but I've now switched over permanently. I feel like getting three colors a month instead of two colors and a random product suits me best and makes me feel like I am for sure getting my money's worth. Not that the extra products have been bad or anything it's just I don't need them. Probably because I get plenty of beauty and makeup samples from my other two subscriptions. All in all I'd just rather have more nail polish!

And WoW! This month I absolutely love every color I got! So beautiful, bright, and cheerful. Also I think they are pretty unique colors that would be hard to find in stores. So starting from left to right I received Mackenzie an awesome bright grass green with a slight shimmer that is visible under sunlight. Next is Eden a gorgeous deep almost royally blue purple color, very unique and also features a satin-like finish when dry. Lastly, the color I was most happy with for Spring is Abbie an sunshine cream yellow. Back in January I had received what I thought would be an awesome yellow color which turned out looking like I had just scribbled on my nails with yellow highlighter, very disappointing. Even over a coat of white polish the color just wasn't very vibrant or flattering. This color however is so much better! It's got a creamy consistency that in just two coats leaves you with a bright solid opaque yellow. This was the first color I chose to wear on all my nails and I loved it! I painted my toes with Eden and that came out really nice too. Next I will be wearing the green either on my hands or feet...not sure yet.

Well I think that's all for this post. Not much to say about the little extra item this month, it was a piece of rock candy which I will probably toss or give away. I don't care for sugary candy too much.

Hope everyone is having a great month! Let me know what your favorite spring nail polish colors are! See ya later :D

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