Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ipsy Glam Bag :: December 2012

Hello everyone! Hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday so far. My Christmas was awesome, sad to see it end :( felt like it went to fast. I'm ready for the New Year though! But before I move on from 2012 let me bring you my review of my December Ipsy Glam Bag.
 So here it is the December Glam Bag! This month the bag was a little different in shape. More like a pencil case which I actually found useful for storing my makeup brush separately from my makeup. Like that a lot! There was another JustFab coupon which I really havent looked into yet but I think its an online accesorry shop where ever thing is under $40? maybe? Dunno but they give you a pretty generous $20 off a $40 purchase which if everything in their shop is that much is pretty nice. 
Product List/Value for the month:
Mai Couture Highlighter Papier $28
Be a Bombshell Lipgloss in Hot Mess $14
NYX Loose Pearl Eyeshadow in White Pearl $3
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Zero travel size approx. $10 (full size $19)
Mirabella Prime for face and eyes $29

Total Bag Worth: approx. $84.00

 So first we have Mai Couture Highlighter Papier. This is an interesting product to me. I'm new to highlighters in general. I've only tried a few and my favorite is Nars Albatross but I've seen these papers before in Sephora and was intrigued. So I was happy to get a chance to try these out. I used them for my husband's holiday party. I just brushed a sheet across the tops of my cheekbones, my collarbone and across my décolletage. It gave a very VERY subtle glow. Compared to my Nars highlighter this was definitely a lot less noticeable which is good or bad depending on preference I suppose. Plus it was a natural rosy color rather than the goldeny glow I get from Albatross.
 Next we have Be a Bombshell Lipgloss in Hot Mess. Which is a bright fire engine red! Not something I would ever pick out for myself. I'm really not a bright lip color person at all. I stick with sheer. barely there colors or shimmers. I almost never wear lipgloss in general because I just don't care for the shiny, goopey lip look. Plus my husband does not want to kiss that  hot mess indeed ;) See what I did there?? I'm silly I know. I'm not saying I HATe this AAaaah!  I'm just saying not for me **shrug**
 Anyhoozels here is just a closeup of the applicator for those interested parties and below is a swatch of the color.

 Here we have NYX Loose Pearl Eyeshadow in White Pearl. Now I'm not a huuuge fan of loose powder anything just because of the whole messy factor but I really do like the way this stuff applies and shimmers in the light. Soo pretty. Nice brow bone and inner corner highlighter. 
 This is just a closer look at the powder and below is a swatch. Now I've applied a pretty good amount to my hand here just to give you guys a good idea of the pigment and color payoff. IT actually can be pretty sheer if you use a light touch with your application.
 Overall very nice! I like it. I will use it! I will get it EEVvverryyyywherree I'm sure :D
 Next up, another awesome product to be getting out of this month's glambag is Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Zero. Now I'm already in love with both my Urban Decay Naked palettes so I'm all for trying more products from them. 
 From this swatch you can tell it's nicely pigmented. It did glide on pretty easily and it was smudgeable if you do it quick enough. It's waterproof so once it sets it stays put. I had to scrub to get this off my hand. This would be nice for lining your waterlines for sure.
 Finally we have Mirabella Prime for face and eyes. I'm still in the stages of playing around with primers. I'm not sure they are necessary to be honest. I do consistently use Mac Groundwork as a primer for my eyeshadow but a primer for my whole face? I dunno...I don't really get that oily and I do suffer from some lovely hormonal acne once a month so adding one more product to my skincare/makeup routine does not appeal to me. I really like to minimize the levels of crap on my face. If I use this it will only be going on my eyelids. So we shall see if it makes a difference.
 And there you have it. Above I've applied all the products to my face and you can almost achieve a complete look with this bag alone. I did wind up lining my lips with the Illamasqua lip pencil I received in my November Glossybox just to keep the gloss from traveling. Can't really see the highlighter or primer but the pearl shadow and the eyeliner worked well for me. I will be adding those to my makeup bag.

 I think overall I'm pretty pleased with this month's bag. The value was definitely there ($84!!) and I will be getting some use out of these products. Well that's it for today let me know what you guys think! 

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