Thursday, May 23, 2013

Julep :: May 2013

 Hello friends, and yay for already freaking halfway through May! OMG this month is going fast! So today I'm bringing my review of my May Julep Maven box. Might I say when previewing this online and opening it up I was really excited. I felt like I was really getting my money's worth month because of the generous amount of products in this box.

 For May most everyone received two nail colors and three mini lipsticks plus four super cute hair pins as the extra.
 Now on the nails colors they are nice and everything but nothing special as I have already received very similar colors from Julep in the past. And while you are able to pick and choose your theme every month this time around there really wasn't anything unique in the other boxes. This time I really went for colors I thought I would like for the lipsticks which I will get into next. But for colors I received yet another navy blue this time called Millie but really it isn't all that different from the others I've received. It just has a slightly greyish almost milky look to it rather than a true navy blue color, nice but not really different enough in my opinion to warrant having three navy blue colors. The second color is a pretty pale lilac with subtle shimmer called Alice. Very pretty and sweet, the shimmer is very subtle you can't even see it unless you're really close up. I find this a bit disappointing with some nail polishes in general, you get a color because it has a really cool looking shimmer in the bottle but you get it on your nail and it just doesn't show up :( oh well, the color is still very nice.
Now like I mentioned above I chose this month's theme Boho Glam for the lipstick colors not the nail polish. Unfortunately I was disappointed. They look so pretty and cute in the nice little gold tubes. Perfect size for your purse and they actually feel really nice on the lips. But, with the exception of the red color they have absolutely no pigmentation! I really tried to layer these babies on my hand for you and as you can see above......nothing...not even a hint of color. You can barely see if you look close or zoom in a very slight orangey tint from the middle color but the nude one? Nada! Sooooooooo disappointing!  I am sad :( There was another trio offered in some of the other boxes and I'm super curious to know if they had any color to them. If anyone got those please let me know! The ones I chose are the New York set I believe the other one is called Paris.

So I leave you all with is the red color which is rather nice if you like a satiny red lip... I don't find red lips suit me in my daily life and my husband won't let me near him if my lips are anything unnatural lookin so there you go. After this box I'm thinking of taking a break from my Julep subscription. I do love alot of the colors I have gotten from them, I think its a great service and I do recomend giving them a try if your are into nail polish. But I've had the subscription for a few months and my nail polish collection is just overflowing. I will probably take a break to really start using up the polishes I have and maybe start it up again in the future.

Anywhoooozles, hope you are all having a great month! Share your thoughts with me I'd love to hear from you!

See ya later :D

Hope you all are having a great month.

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