Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hello! An Introduction.


Hello and welcome to my first blog! Yay I’m excited are you? Yeah I know you are I can tell! So a little about me... My name is Michelle, I am married and have a wonderful husband named Joshua and we have a kitty cat named Koi. We live in sunny beautiful San Diego, CA, and I love it! I love the ocean, photography, watercolor painting, and I am currently enrolled in a Medical Transcription program. What else...favorite animals are Sea Otters, Red Pandas and Horses. Favorite color is probably purple the moment. Hmm...favorite TV Shows are currently Gossip Girl, Glee, Vampire Diaries, whatever is good and girlie on my Netflix or Hulu really. I'm a bit of a nerd as far as movies go I love love love the Lord of the Rings Trilogy as well as all the Harry all the books too (Cant wait for the Hobbit *squeal*). I'm a nerd like that, I love to read the books and then see the movies or vice-versa so most of my favorite movies are probably my favorite books. Hunger Games love and yes even grudgingly admit I've seen all the Twilights so far and didn't totally hate them *shrug*.....Whelp I think that's enough to start with so......

Anyhoozels I hope you will all enjoy my humble attempts at bloggin and such.This blog will mostly focus on my favorite beauty products as well as product reviews and discoveries. I also subscribe to a few of those increasingly popular beauty sample boxes namely Glossybox, Ipsy and Julep so I will have monthly reviews to share with you on those. I may also have tutorials or lifestyle blog as a I do enjoy cooking and have the occasional urge to get crafty ;)

I’ve dabbled in blogging before but not too successfully, mostly due to a loss of interest after a while and a lack of any real structure to my posts. Basically I was lazy and wasn’t really clear on what I wanted to present to people and where I wanted to go with it or even what I personally wanted out of it. Now I’ve done my research, I’ve seen what I like and what I don’t like in blogs and I just feel like I’ve found a topic that I can maintain my interest and enthusiasm in which really is what will keep me posting and sharing all my beauty related discoveries, successes and maybe even the occasional disaster! Woohoo! So that’s it for now I think. Just wanted to create a quick introductory post to my mostly Beauty Blog and now I’m excited to jump right in and get started!

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